099-Norm Franz – Global Financial Babylon -Come out Of Her My People

Episode 099 Of The A Minute To Midnite show sees the return of Norm Franz. Tony and Norm discuss the current global financial system, the run up towards the system’s inevitable collapse, and it’s eventual replacement with a totally different looking financial system. Global financial Babylon seeks to ensnare everyone into it’s corrupt debt-based enslavement, in order to gain control over all of humanity. Find out what the eventual Beast System might look like, and what you can do at this time to help protect yourself ahead of the financial collapse. In this interview listeners are presented with some very important keys to understanding exactly what is happening in economic realm, how the end game scenario is likely to play out, and what to do in the interim ( while you still have the chance).

099-Norm Franz – Global Financial Babylon – Come Out Of Her My People

About Tony Koretz

A dedicated musician and audio engineer with a passion for all things related to sound and music, with a desire to see these things used for the Kingdom Of God. I have given years to this pursuit and to improving my skills in these areas. Having worked as a tech in the audio side of television, music, voice over, sound effects, sound for video, and all manner of other audio recording, mixing and mastering projects; I began to apply my knowledge of these to the creating of the A Minute To Midnite show in 2015. All the music used in every AMTM Show has been written, played and recorded by me. I love being able to combine my gifts as a composer, musician and sound engineer, with the desire to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, along with a message of warning people to prepare for the End Time Events that are unfolding before us. The A Minute To Midnite show and running the website has pretty much become my full time occupation now. You can find my royalty-free instrumental music and sound effects packs at www.rocksuresoundz.com and my music with vocals at www.koretzmusic.com
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